
Jen Lock Fine Art

Dynamic Landscapes
Fill a small space with these inspiring studies in acrylics on canvas. Be sure to click the images to see a full view.

Peaceful Cove 1

A gentle sunset with slow moving tide, Peaceful Cove will add a sense of tranquilly to any room.
Acrylic on Canvas H 11" x W14" Price $75


Serenity Stream

Longing to get out on the water? Serenity Stream will remind you how peaceful and energizing a day on the water leaves you.
Acrylic on Canvas H 9" x W 12" Price $75


Capture Springtime on the River

 Feel the breeze, hear the river and smell the spring. Acrylics Date Size H 11" x W14" Price $75   


Ocean Rocks

Be sure to click to see the full image.
Imagine you are out exploring this ocean cave before the tides come in. The rocks are colorful and textured. Iridescent and gold paint add to the interesting formation. The piece has a final gloss coat to bring out all the rich colors.
Acrylics on Canvas  H 10"x W 8" Price $65


Winter on the Lake

A limited cool pallet that includes iridescent paint and gel medium has created an inspiring winter themed painting. Size  H 8" x W 10" Price $65 

Purchase on Etsy

Wildflowers 1

 Wildly creative flowers featuring my favorite – the sunflower. Acrylic  Size H 8” X W 10” Price $65


Time for Tulips

Acrylics Date Size H 8” X W 10” Price $65  


Autumn in Birch Forest

Acrylic Size H 8” X W 10” Price $65 
